Feeding Calfs

Feeding Calfs

With our recent experience with our Dexter calf Willow, we found that the speedy feeder from Shoof gave us the flexibility we needed as a beginner. The bottle holds 2.5 litres of milk and has a wide opening so it makes it easy for cleaning and when filling it up with milk, it also has 3 positions to control the flow when the calf is suckling, it also is very easy to hold tightly, and believe me when you are trying to feed your calf and it gives it a headbutt this is something you will need

Ok now for the important part the milk, if you know a farmer like we did who is able to supply you with milk from a cow that has just given birth then that’s the stuff you need, if you are not in that position then a trip to your local vets will get you started, we did a bit of both in our beginners learning curve and we used the product supplied by our French vet called Univor Agnodor it has all the good stuff in it that the calf need and is easy to mix.

We ended up mixing up in 1 litre mixes as it was very cold, and we also mixed it with a whisk in a container and then pored it into the bottle, this made sure the milk was the correct temperature and we did not waste any.